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Download v3.8.0

Download v3.7.4

Download v3.7.3

Download v3.7.0

verze 3.7.0, která obsahuje čtyři bezpečnostní záplaty a několik oprav chyb. Prosím aktualizujte, pokud používáte starší verzi

  • Multisite fixes and improvements
  • Fixed an issue with custom fields on edit item
  • Mysql 5.7 compatibility
  • Comment email notification only if comment moderation is disabled
  • Use https in order to prevent warnings
  • Remove temporal unremoved files (auto_qqfile_*)
  • Cron skipping issues has been fixed
  • New hooks, pre_item_add_error and pre_item_edit_error. Plugins can add FlashMessages.
  • Prevent subscribe to searches twice (Alerts)
  • Increase PHP minimum version to 5.6.0
  • Robots.txt overwrite has been fixed
  • Improved helper function osc_validate_email()
  • Added new noCaptcha ReCaptcha
  • Added listings link at item add / item edit (oc-admin)
  • Authenticated cross-site scripting issues.
  • Found by Robin Peraglie with the help of the RIPS code analyser
  • core fixed and improvements
  • Bender theme minor fixes

Download v3.6.1

Download FileZilla Client win64

Download FileZilla Client win32

Download FileZilla Client MacOs

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Instalace češtiny Pluginy pro OSClass Partnerský program